Premium Listings
Allow you to feature your company in's Resource Directory. Your ad appears at the top of the column, just above the navigation selections
an excellent location for viewing by visitors to the site.
Premium Listings are the single best way to advertise on SCIway.
Premium Listings offer top-notch, above-the-fold, no-scrolling-needed, front and center visibility they ensure your company's ad will not get lost in the crowd.
Premium Listings include a direct link to your web site plus your telephone number and up to 25 words about your company.
Premium Listings are incredibly cost-effective.
Premium Listings allow you to keep your position for as long as you renew you ad.
Your ad can include highlights such as:
• Your company's name
• A direct link to your website
• Your phone number and/or e-mail address
• Up to 25 words of descriptive text
A single Premium Listing is $300 a year for all businesses, except real estate and accommodations; these two categories cost $600 a year. There are no discounts for additional Premium Listings .
Please note: Additional listings must be for the same company and appear on a different page than the original listing. All listings must be ordered at the same time. Listings are arranged in alphabetical order. We alphabetize by last name where applicable, and
articles such as a, an, and the are not included.
Please contact Larry Halpern, Positive Energy, Inc., to reserve your listing space.
Click HERE for contact information.